Welcome to my 2010 photo blog.

During this year I am taking up a challenge to post a photo a day on this blog. I am a beginner photographer hoping to learn much about my camera and how to take photos.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thunder Clouds

This striking burst of colour was what met us outside the back door this morning. The clouds were heavy and dark and the early sunshine made the trees appear almost luminous. A stunning sight that I couldn't resist photographing for this blog.

The drought in our region has become critical and so when we saw this sky we were hopeful that it meant we would have a storm - or at least a shower today. Sadly it just didn't happen. At about lunch time we had a few big drops of rain but not enough to even wash the dust off the cars. Then nothing more.

Today has been a day of prayer for rain. May our prayers be answered soon.

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