Welcome to my 2010 photo blog.

During this year I am taking up a challenge to post a photo a day on this blog. I am a beginner photographer hoping to learn much about my camera and how to take photos.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Drought resistant

After the excitement of the last few days taking lots of photos of birds, sunsets and the full moon I was a bit lost to find a subject today. I was wondering around my garden looking for a photo topic when I saw this humble little plant that grows prolifically in parts of the garden. I love the pretty pink border around the leaves and the "rose" appearance. It's a succulent that is a pleasure to have in the garden at times like these when we are in the grip of a terrible drought. These hardy little plants just keep surviving - even when there's no rain and no watering for weeks. Succulents have my respect because they flourish in the "desert places".

I'm reminded that so often when I am going through those dry times, either spiritually or emotionally I complain unlike this beauty. I could learn a lesson from my friend here.

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