Welcome to my 2010 photo blog.

During this year I am taking up a challenge to post a photo a day on this blog. I am a beginner photographer hoping to learn much about my camera and how to take photos.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Fun Friday - Fresh Fish

These fabulously fresh marshmallow fish were quivering on the plate, crying out to be rescued from the large greedy lady who was about to gobble them up. They really were delicious and reminded me of my childhood when one of our uncles used to come and visit on his pay day and hand out these fish to all the kids.

I've really enjoyed the "camer-aderie", sharing and learning that this challenge has brought. Each day I look forward to seeing what my photo friends have posted. And of course I have the stress of finding my own subject to photograph. Today I decided to just have a bit of fun. Perhaps I'll do it every Friday - fine finking.....
P.S. the fish were fabulous.

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