Welcome to my 2010 photo blog.

During this year I am taking up a challenge to post a photo a day on this blog. I am a beginner photographer hoping to learn much about my camera and how to take photos.

Friday, January 15, 2010

15 January - Technology old and new

technology (science of) practical or industrial arts.....
What do you think of when you hear the word, "technology"? According to the definition in the Concise Oxford Dictionary knitting is technology too.
My photo today includes different kinds of technology - old and not so old. We are about to welcome a new grandchild into the family and I am knitting him/her a toy clown. What kind of world will the baby grow into? Can we keep a balance between electronic toys and the old fashioned sort? Here's to a wonderful future for our grandson/ granddaughter in this crazy new world as a member of the X generation (or have we already moved on?)

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